Bug Reports

As i found too many of these while leveling to 80, and as i dont know if the issues are known or not, i left them on a game ticket and once i ran out of space, i began to copy them here. I apologize in advance for any known issues. (Work in progress)

FEI FEI (the dog in honor hold) is not moving after you give him the treat (the quest name was literally fei fei´s treat ).

Wing Commander gryphongar (Shatter point, hellfire peninsula) isnt properly receiving its quest.

"the exorcism of colonel JUles" wont start.

(Minor) Quest - "Finding the philactery" , we are supposed to ride dusk from the camp to the point that is marked on the map, at the start of its quest it should be pointing to DUSK on the map. I was unable to ride Dusk and had to follow the map straight to the end of the quest.

(Minor) "A race against time" - Inquisitor Salrand is out of LOS, the item that salrand should be carrying was carried by one of its mobs instead.

"Aces High" - When riding the dragon, only the last command works, so i cant attack.

"Springing the trap" - When trying to light the signal fire, it aims at me instead and I am knocked down

(Minor) "Attunement to Dalaran". No matter how much i walk inside that pitt, in the center or not, i can not activate the item.

"The plume of Alystros" - I cant seem to make the bird wake up, the item activates but it wont summon the sub boss

As i found too many of these while leveling to 80, and as i dont know if the issues are known or not, i left them on a game ticket and once i ran out of space, i began to copy them here. I apologize in advance for any known issues. (Work in progress) FEI FEI (the dog in honor hold) is not moving after you give him the treat (the quest name was literally fei fei´s treat ). Wing Commander gryphongar (Shatter point, hellfire peninsula) isnt properly receiving its quest. "the exorcism of colonel JUles" wont start. (Minor) Quest - "Finding the philactery" , we are supposed to ride dusk from the camp to the point that is marked on the map, at the start of its quest it should be pointing to DUSK on the map. I was unable to ride Dusk and had to follow the map straight to the end of the quest. (Minor) "A race against time" - Inquisitor Salrand is out of LOS, the item that salrand should be carrying was carried by one of its mobs instead. "Aces High" - When riding the dragon, only the last command works, so i cant attack. "Springing the trap" - When trying to light the signal fire, it aims at me instead and I am knocked down (Minor) "Attunement to Dalaran". No matter how much i walk inside that pitt, in the center or not, i can not activate the item. "The plume of Alystros" - I cant seem to make the bird wake up, the item activates but it wont summon the sub boss
edited Jun 22 '20 at 8:18 am


Quest "THE LAST RITES" - Thassarian is not up there at Naxxanar, either going there by fly mount or taking the teleporter below, so the quest can not progresss.

Continuing: Quest "THE LAST RITES" - Thassarian is not up there at Naxxanar, either going there by fly mount or taking the teleporter below, so the quest can not progresss.

[URGENT] Quest: "Its all fun and games" - The target "the ocular" is always out of range, both from the item eyesore blaster AND from ranged attacks, even if you enter inside it, despite the item "Eyesore blaster" reporting being in range. Please take a look at this, as this breaks the whole ebon blade progression AND its dailies.

[URGENT] Quest: "Its all fun and games" - The target "the ocular" is always out of range, both from the item eyesore blaster AND from ranged attacks, even if you enter inside it, despite the item "Eyesore blaster" reporting being in range. Please take a look at this, as this breaks the whole ebon blade progression AND its dailies.

MINOR: Quest: "Taretha´s Diversion" (Inside Caverns of Time: Old Hillsbrad) The dragon that gives you a ride to durnholde keep normally asks you to retrieve a pack of incendiary bombs from the keeper of time at his side. The issue is, if you complete the quest (hence losing the pack of incendiary bombs) and then DIE before you rescue thrall, on return, the dragon will keep asking you to get a pack from the keeper of time before he may give you a ride, but the keeper of time wont give you a pack, since that quest is over. This leads to a very annoying horse ride if you die inside the run.

MINOR: Quest: "Taretha´s Diversion" (Inside Caverns of Time: Old Hillsbrad) The dragon that gives you a ride to durnholde keep normally asks you to retrieve a pack of incendiary bombs from the keeper of time at his side. The issue is, if you complete the quest (hence losing the pack of incendiary bombs) and then DIE before you rescue thrall, on return, the dragon will keep asking you to get a pack from the keeper of time before he may give you a ride, but the keeper of time wont give you a pack, since that quest is over. This leads to a very annoying horse ride if you die inside the run.
edited Jun 24 '20 at 9:40 pm

[URGENT] Quest: "Its all fun and games" - The target "the ocular" is always out of range, both from the item eyesore blaster AND from ranged attacks, even if you enter inside it, despite the item "Eyesore blaster" reporting being in range. Please take a look at this, as this breaks the whole ebon blade progression AND its dailies.

Known issue : During the It's All Fun and Games quest, you have to find the sweet spot where The Ocular will aggro you, so you can use the Eyesore Blaster on it.

So the quest works.

> [URGENT] Quest: "Its all fun and games" - The target "the ocular" is always out of range, both from the item eyesore blaster AND from ranged attacks, even if you enter inside it, despite the item "Eyesore blaster" reporting being in range. Please take a look at this, as this breaks the whole ebon blade progression AND its dailies. [Known issue](http://forum.storm-wow.com/index.php?u=/topic/2/server-status-amp-info/1#post-3) : During the It's All Fun and Games quest, you have to find the sweet spot where The Ocular will aggro you, so you can use the Eyesore Blaster on it. So the quest works.

The Old Orc God

As we've mentioned before, please provide complete bug reports, with links, IDs and descriptions.
We can't guess which NPC/QUEST you're talking about, as there are hundreds with similar names.

Also, we don't have the time to run around different areas, to search for that NPC, that gives that quest, that doesn't work.


As we've mentioned before, please provide complete bug reports, with links, IDs and descriptions. We can't guess which NPC/QUEST you're talking about, as there are hundreds with similar names. Also, we don't have the time to run around different areas, to search for that NPC, that gives that quest, that doesn't work. Thanks!

Coin Master

Quest "THE LAST RITES" - Thassarian is not up there at Naxxanar, either going there by fly mount or taking the teleporter below, so the quest can not progresss.


[quote="pid:57, uid:13"]Quest "THE LAST RITES" - Thassarian is not up there at Naxxanar, either going there by fly mount or taking the teleporter below, so the quest can not progresss.[/quote] Fixed.

The Old Orc God

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