Bug Reports
MINOR: Moonwell water quests for the night elf race

This is a very minor issue and its a common issue in most servers i played at, but when you fill the vials in the moonwells at teldrassil, the story scenes are not playing.

This is a very minor issue and its a common issue in most servers i played at, but when you fill the vials in the moonwells at teldrassil, the story scenes are not playing.

Please link the quests so we can check them.


Please link the quests so we can check them. Thanks!

Coin Master

Clone sorry i didnt link, its because i forgot the names, its the starting quests for the night elf race, basically the quests where you fill the vials at the moonwells.

Clone sorry i didnt link, its because i forgot the names, its the starting quests for the night elf race, basically the quests where you fill the vials at the moonwells.
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