Bug Reports
BUG: Hunter traps

When i start a fight by using a hunter trap like immolation or explosive trap, neutral mobs will not react to it by registering it as an attack. rather, they will run away for one second and immediately end combat and regenerate to full in one second. That prevents hunters from starting a fight with a trap, limiting hunters to either laying traps and then shooting a bow, or else moving and using traps on the feet of mobs during combat

When i start a fight by using a hunter trap like immolation or explosive trap, neutral mobs will not react to it by registering it as an attack. rather, they will run away for one second and immediately end combat and regenerate to full in one second. That prevents hunters from starting a fight with a trap, limiting hunters to either laying traps and then shooting a bow, or else moving and using traps on the feet of mobs during combat
edited Jun 20 '20 at 5:36 am
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