News & Announcements
Server Status & Info

Below you'll find a detailed list regarding Storm-WoW's available content, under development, known issues etc.

- PvE -

  • Utgarde Keep: Utgarde Keep (69-72)
  • The Nexus: The Nexus (71-73)
  • Azjol-Nerub: Azjol-Nerub (72-74)
  • Azjol-Nerub: Ahn'kahet: The Old Kingdom (73-75)
  • Drak'Tharon Keep (74-76)
  • The Violet Hold (75-77)
  • Gundrak (76-78 )
  • Ulduar: Halls of Stone (77-78 )
  • Caverns of Time: The Culling of Stratholme (79)
  • Crusaders' Coliseum: Trial of the Champion (78-80) - Under Development
  • Ulduar: Halls of Lightning (79-80)
  • The Nexus: The Oculus (79-80)
  • Utgarde Keep: Utgarde Pinnacle (79-80)
  • Icecrown Citadel: The Forge of Souls (80)
  • Icecrown Citadel: Pit of Saron (80)
  • Icecrown Citadel: Halls of Reflection (80)

Dungeon Finder - Available


  • Naxxramas (80+)
  • The Nexus: The Eye of Eternity (80+)
  • Ulduar (80+)
  • Vault of Archavon (80+)
  • Onyxia's Lair (80+)
  • Wyrmrest Temple: The Obsidian Sanctum (80+)
  • Wyrmrest Temple: The Ruby Sanctum (80+)
  • Crusaders' Coliseum: Trial of the Crusader (80+)
  • Icecrown Citadel (80+)

- PvP -


  • Warsong Gulch (10v10)
  • Arathi Basin (15v15)
  • Eye of the Storm (15v15)
  • Alterac Valley (40v40)
  • Strand of the Ancients (40v40)
  • Isle of Conquest (40v40)

World PvP Zone:

  • Wintergrasp - Under Development


  • Nagrand Arena
  • Blade's Edge Arena
  • Ruins of Lordaeron
  • Dalaran Arena
  • The Ring of Valor - Under Development

- Classes -

  • Death Knight - 99% Working
  • Druid - 99% Working
  • Hunter - 98% Working
  • Mage - 99% Working
  • Paladin - 99% Working
  • Priest - 99% Working
  • Rogue - 98% Working
  • Shaman - 99% Working
  • Warlock - 98% Working
  • Warrior - 99% Working

Misc Features:

  • Transmogrifier - Available
  • Cross-Faction Battlegrounds - Enabled
  • Warden Server Guard - Implemented
  • Blizzlike Pathing - Implemented
  • Blizzlike Line of Sight - Implemented
  • Blizzlike Ore Spawns - Implemented
  • Teleport Hub (Website) - Available
  • Character Tools (Website) - Available
  • Recruit a Friend System (Website) - Available
  • Armory (Website) - Available
  • Online Store (Website) - Available

Gameplay Improvements:

  • Auction Houses in Dalaran.
  • All Auction Houses are linked together.
  • Lowered the ingame mail delivery time to 30 min.
  • A forge near the anvil in Dalaran. (Happy Blacksmithing!)
  • Permanent Darkmoon Faire NPC in Shattrath, so you can exchange decks whenever you want.
  • Transmogrifier NPC in Gadgetzan and Shattrath.
  • Removed the legendary item restriction from the Transmogrifier.
  • Dungeon Reset NPC in Dalaran.
  • Gambler NPC in Dalaran.
  • Currency Exchanger NPC in Dalaran, OG, SW.
  • All fly locations are discovered and accessible.
  • Portals to Dalaran in every major city.
  • Arena teams start with a rating of 1000.


  • Kill rate: x20
  • Quest rate: x20
  • Money rate: x15
  • Honor rate: x2
  • Crafting rate: x3
  • Gathering rate: x3
  • Reputation rate: x15
  • Uncommon items: x15
  • Rare items: x50

**_Below you'll find a detailed list regarding Storm-WoW's available content, under development, [known issues]( etc._** **- PvE -** Dungeons: - Utgarde Keep: Utgarde Keep (69-72) - The Nexus: The Nexus (71-73) - Azjol-Nerub: Azjol-Nerub (72-74) - Azjol-Nerub: Ahn'kahet: The Old Kingdom (73-75) - Drak'Tharon Keep (74-76) - The Violet Hold (75-77) - Gundrak (76-78 ) - Ulduar: Halls of Stone (77-78 ) - Caverns of Time: The Culling of Stratholme (79) - Crusaders' Coliseum: Trial of the Champion (78-80) - **_Under Development_** - Ulduar: Halls of Lightning (79-80) - The Nexus: The Oculus (79-80) - Utgarde Keep: Utgarde Pinnacle (79-80) - Icecrown Citadel: The Forge of Souls (80) - Icecrown Citadel: Pit of Saron (80) - Icecrown Citadel: Halls of Reflection (80) Dungeon Finder - **Available** Raids: - Naxxramas (80+) - The Nexus: The Eye of Eternity (80+) - Ulduar (80+) - Vault of Archavon (80+) - Onyxia's Lair (80+) - Wyrmrest Temple: The Obsidian Sanctum (80+) - Wyrmrest Temple: The Ruby Sanctum (80+) - Crusaders' Coliseum: Trial of the Crusader (80+) - Icecrown Citadel (80+) **- PvP -** Battlegrounds: - Warsong Gulch (10v10) - Arathi Basin (15v15) - Eye of the Storm (15v15) - Alterac Valley (40v40) - Strand of the Ancients (40v40) - Isle of Conquest (40v40) World PvP Zone: - Wintergrasp - **_Under Development_** Arenas: - Nagrand Arena - Blade's Edge Arena - Ruins of Lordaeron - Dalaran Arena - The Ring of Valor - **_Under Development_** **- Classes -** - Death Knight - 99% Working - Druid - 99% Working - Hunter - 98% Working - Mage - 99% Working - Paladin - 99% Working - Priest - 99% Working - Rogue - 98% Working - Shaman - 99% Working - Warlock - 98% Working - Warrior - 99% Working **Misc Features:** - Transmogrifier - Available - Cross-Faction Battlegrounds - Enabled - Warden Server Guard - Implemented - Blizzlike Pathing - Implemented - Blizzlike Line of Sight - Implemented - Blizzlike Ore Spawns - Implemented - Teleport Hub (Website) - Available - Character Tools (Website) - Available - Recruit a Friend System (Website) - Available - Armory (Website) - Available - Online Store (Website) - Available **Gameplay Improvements:** - Auction Houses in Dalaran. - All Auction Houses are linked together. - Lowered the ingame mail delivery time to 30 min. - A forge near the anvil in Dalaran. (Happy Blacksmithing!) - Permanent Darkmoon Faire NPC in Shattrath, so you can exchange decks whenever you want. - Transmogrifier NPC in Gadgetzan and Shattrath. - Removed the legendary item restriction from the Transmogrifier. - Dungeon Reset NPC in Dalaran. - Gambler NPC in Dalaran. - Currency Exchanger NPC in Dalaran, OG, SW. - All fly locations are discovered and accessible. - Portals to Dalaran in every major city. - Arena teams start with a rating of 1000. **Rates:** - Kill rate: x20 - Quest rate: x20 - Money rate: x15 - Honor rate: x2 - Crafting rate: x3 - Gathering rate: x3 - Reputation rate: x15 - Uncommon items: x15 - Rare items: x50

The Old Orc God

edited Oct 5 '23 at 12:51 pm

Known issues:

In the unfortunate and rare event you get stuck in a wall, or falling somewhere, you can use the .unstuck command or the teleport feature on the website.

  1. During The Light of Dawn quest (DK chain), you have to charge/fight along Highlord Darion Mograine and his forces (move together). If you take the quest and immediately go by yourself to the Light's Hope Chapel, the event will get stuck and you'll have to wait for about 20 min. for the area to reset. Please do not abandon the quest!

  2. During the Free Your Mind quest (Icecrown), you'll have to use the Sovereign Rod near the corpses of Vile, Lady Nightswood and The Leaper, or else it will not work.

  3. During the It's All Fun and Games quest (Icecrown), you have to find the sweet spot where The Ocular will aggro you, so you can use the Eyesore Blaster on it.

  4. During the Fuel for the Fire quest (Zul'Drak), when you take control of a Bloated Abomination you first have to set it on Defensive, then Passive, then set it to Stay and finally to Follow. These steps are needed in order to prevent the Abomination from despawning.

  5. At the Pyroguard Emberseer encounter (UBRS), you ALL have to enter the room at the same time, as you'll get aggroed by the adds at the moment you enter and the doors will close. Also, you'll have to click on the Blackrock Altar and channel the spell for a while before Emberseer regains his power and is ready to fight.

**Known issues:** _In the unfortunate and rare event you get stuck in a wall, or falling somewhere, you can use the **.unstuck** command or the [teleport]( feature on the website._ 1. During [The Light of Dawn]( quest (DK chain), you have to charge/fight along Highlord Darion Mograine and his forces (move together). If you take the quest and immediately go by yourself to the Light's Hope Chapel, the event will get stuck and you'll have to wait for about 20 min. for the area to reset. Please do not abandon the quest! 2. During the [Free Your Mind]( quest (Icecrown), you'll have to use the Sovereign Rod near the corpses of Vile, Lady Nightswood and The Leaper, or else it will not work. 3. During the [It's All Fun and Games]( quest (Icecrown), you have to find the sweet spot where [The Ocular]( will aggro you, so you can use the Eyesore Blaster on it. 4. During the [Fuel for the Fire]( quest (Zul'Drak), when you take control of a [Bloated Abomination]( you first have to set it on **Defensive**, then **Passive**, then set it to **Stay** and finally to **Follow**. These steps are needed in order to prevent the Abomination from despawning. 5. At the [Pyroguard Emberseer]( encounter ([UBRS](, you ALL have to enter the room at the same time, as you'll get aggroed by the adds at the moment you enter and the doors will close. Also, you'll have to click on the Blackrock Altar and channel the spell for a while before Emberseer regains his power and is ready to fight.

The Old Orc God

edited Oct 14 '23 at 11:17 pm
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