Bug Reports
[Misc] Stuck in combat

I've noticed that sometimes, when I aggro random mobs I get stuck in combat, with the mob being stuck in evade.
It's really weird and happens rarely and randomly, but very annoying.
I've read on the changelog that this issue was fixed back in 2014, however it still seems to be present.

Can you please have a look at the code?


I've noticed that sometimes, when I aggro random mobs I get stuck in combat, with the mob being stuck in evade. It's really weird and happens rarely and randomly, but very annoying. I've read on the [changelog](http://storm-wow.com/changelog) that this issue was fixed back in 2014, however it still seems to be present. Can you please have a look at the code? Thanks!

Coin Master

edited Jun 7 '20 at 5:07 pm

Hopefully it's fixed this time.
Please test in-game and report if it still happens.

Closing it for now.

Hopefully it's fixed this time. Please test in-game and report if it still happens. Closing it for now.

The Old Orc God

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